Exploring OpenShift with CRC

Date: 2024-01-14

OpenShift Container Platform (OCP), otherwise known as just OpenShift, is a comprehensive, feature-complete enterprise PaaS offering by Red Hat built on top of Kubernetes, available both as a fully managed service on popular public cloud platforms such as AWS (ROSA) and as an internal developer platform (IDP) to be deployed on-premises on existing private cloud infrastructure, as VMs or on bare metal.

Compared to Kubernetes, OpenShift:

However, due to its comprehensive feature set and extensive automation, a production-grade OpenShift cluster has non-trivial resource requirements, making it out of reach for individual developers and home lab enthusiasts wanting to try out OpenShift locally or on commodity hardware such as various editions of the Raspberry Pi.

Fortunately, just as projects like kind and Minikube enable developers to spin up a local Kubernetes environment in no time, CRC, also known as OpenShift Local and a recursive acronym for “CRC - Runs Containers”, offers developers a local OpenShift environment by means of a pre-configured VM similar to how Minikube works under the hood.

In the lab to follow, we will provision a single-node OpenShift cluster using CRC, convince ourselves that OpenShift is in fact Kubernetes (but not just) and briefly explore what OpenShift has to offer. The good news - all you need is your own laptop (or desktop / workstation) to follow through!

Lab: Provisioning a single-node OKD cluster using CRC

OKD is the community distribution of Kubernetes that powers Red Hat OpenShift and is available under the permissive Apache 2.0 open source license, in the same spirit as upstream Kubernetes. It is also known as OpenShift Origin and rumors are that its acronym stands for “Origin Kubernetes Distribution”, though you will not find this anywhere in the official documentation. Apart from the lack of commercial support and access to Red Hat certified Operators (more on that later), OKD is otherwise functionally identical to OCP which is the commercial version of OpenShift.

While CRC does support the creation of a local OCP cluster, we will stick to OKD since (1) it allows us to focus on the open source ecosystem around OpenShift and (2) we won’t be getting any commercial support from Red Hat for OpenShift Local anyway :-P

For the sake of simplicity, we will refer to OKD as simply OpenShift going forward where the context allow, except when it might lead to confusion with the commercial edition (OCP).


A basic understanding of Kubernetes is assumed. If not, consider enrolling in LFS158x: Introduction to Kubernetes, a self-paced online course offered by the Linux Foundation on edX at no cost.

Setting up your environment

You’ll need a laptop (or desktop / workstation) fulfilling the minimum resource requirements outlined below:

Being a feature-complete IDP, OpenShift requires more resources compared to Kubernetes so unfortunately a decade-old laptop with only 4 GiB of RAM or a MacBook Air will not suffice (-:

All the major desktop operating systems are supported, including Windows, macOS and (popular distributions of) Linux, though note that some commands might require minor modification on Windows.

Now download the latest version of CRC and place it under your PATH - for example, on Linux, one might run the following commands:

wget https://developers.redhat.com/content-gateway/file/pub/openshift-v4/clients/crc/2.31.0/crc-linux-amd64.tar.xz
tar xvf crc-linux-amd64.tar.xz
mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/bin/"
install crc-linux-2.31.0-amd64/crc "$HOME/.local/bin/crc"

Verify the installation now:

crc version

Sample output:

CRC version: 2.31.0+6d23b6
OpenShift version: 4.14.7
Podman version: 4.4.4

Spinning up an OpenShift Local cluster

Set OKD as the desired OpenShift distribution:

crc config set preset okd

Now run the setup command, which may take a few minutes on initial execution:

crc setup

If crc setup exits with an error, it should tell you what dependencies you should manually install and/or configure. In that case, follow the instructions provided in the error message to resolve the issue and try again.

Now spin up our OpenShift cluster, which may take some 15-30 minutes - grab a cup of coffee tea and wait patiently while the cluster bootstraps and stabilizes itself:

crc start

Sample output (kubeadmin password elided for security reasons):

INFO Using bundle path /home/donaldsebleung/.crc/cache/crc_okd_libvirt_4.14.0-0.okd-2023-12-01-225814_amd64.crcbundle 
INFO Checking if running as non-root              
INFO Checking if running inside WSL2              
INFO Checking if crc-admin-helper executable is cached 
INFO Checking if running on a supported CPU architecture 
INFO Checking if crc executable symlink exists    
INFO Checking minimum RAM requirements            
INFO Checking if Virtualization is enabled        
INFO Checking if KVM is enabled                   
INFO Checking if libvirt is installed             
INFO Checking if user is part of libvirt group    
INFO Checking if active user/process is currently part of the libvirt group 
INFO Checking if libvirt daemon is running        
INFO Checking if a supported libvirt version is installed 
INFO Checking if crc-driver-libvirt is installed  
INFO Checking crc daemon systemd socket units     
INFO Checking if systemd-networkd is running      
INFO Checking if NetworkManager is installed      
INFO Checking if NetworkManager service is running 
INFO Checking if dnsmasq configurations file exist for NetworkManager 
INFO Checking if the systemd-resolved service is running 
INFO Checking if /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/99-crc.sh exists 
INFO Checking if libvirt 'crc' network is available 
INFO Checking if libvirt 'crc' network is active  
INFO Loading bundle: crc_okd_libvirt_4.14.0-0.okd-2023-12-01-225814_amd64... 
INFO Creating CRC VM for OKD 4.14.0-0.okd-2023-12-01-225814... 
INFO Generating new SSH key pair...               
INFO Generating new password for the kubeadmin user 
INFO Starting CRC VM for okd 4.14.0-0.okd-2023-12-01-225814... 
INFO CRC instance is running with IP 
INFO CRC VM is running                            
INFO Updating authorized keys...                  
INFO Configuring shared directories               
INFO Check internal and public DNS query...       
INFO Check DNS query from host...                 
INFO Verifying validity of the kubelet certificates... 
INFO Starting kubelet service                     
INFO Kubelet client certificate has expired, renewing it... [will take up to 8 minutes] 
INFO Kubelet serving certificate has expired, waiting for automatic renewal... [will take up to 8 minutes] 
INFO Waiting for kube-apiserver availability... [takes around 2min] 
INFO Adding user's pull secret to the cluster...  
INFO Updating SSH key to machine config resource... 
INFO Waiting until the user's pull secret is written to the instance disk... 
INFO Changing the password for the kubeadmin user 
INFO Updating cluster ID...                       
INFO Updating root CA cert to admin-kubeconfig-client-ca configmap... 
INFO Starting okd instance... [waiting for the cluster to stabilize] 
INFO 2 operators are progressing: kube-apiserver, openshift-controller-manager 
INFO 2 operators are progressing: kube-apiserver, openshift-controller-manager 
INFO Operator kube-apiserver is progressing       
INFO Operator kube-apiserver is progressing       
INFO Operator authentication is not yet available 
INFO Operator authentication is not yet available 
INFO Operator authentication is degraded          
INFO All operators are available. Ensuring stability... 
INFO Operators are stable (2/3)...                
INFO Operators are stable (3/3)...                
INFO Adding crc-admin and crc-developer contexts to kubeconfig... 
Started the OpenShift cluster.

The server is accessible via web console at:

Log in as administrator:
  Username: kubeadmin

Log in as user:
  Username: developer
  Password: developer

Use the 'oc' command line interface:
  $ eval $(crc oc-env)
  $ oc login -u developer https://api.crc.testing:6443

This cluster was built from OKD - The Community Distribution of Kubernetes that powers Red Hat OpenShift.
If you find an issue, please report it at https://github.com/openshift/okd

Congratulations - you now have a working OpenShift cluster running locally! It’s time to explore our newly created OpenShift environment :-)

Take note of the kubeadmin password shown above as we will be using it later.

Exploring our cluster with the kubectl oc command line

oc is the official command-line tool for interacting with OpenShift clusters, much like kubectl is to Kubernetes.

While you can fetch a copy of oc binary from the public OpenShift mirrors, CRC comes with a bundled version of oc itself - just evaluate the output of crc oc-env to start using oc:

eval $(crc oc-env)

Let’s check which version of oc and OpenShift is installed:

oc version

Sample output:

Client Version: 4.14.0-0.okd-2023-12-01-225814
Kustomize Version: v5.0.1
Server Version: 4.14.0-0.okd-2023-12-01-225814
Kubernetes Version: v1.27.1-3443+19254894103e33-dirty

We see that our OpenShift client and server versions are at 4.14, corresponding to a Kubernetes version of 1.27. As mentioned earlier, OpenShift is Kubernetes at its core, but not just ;-)

Let’s play with a few oc commands to really convince ourselves that OpenShift is Kubernetes.

View the nodes in our cluster - there should be only 1:

oc get nodes

Sample output:

NAME                 STATUS   ROLES                         AGE   VERSION
crc-d4g2s-master-0   Ready    control-plane,master,worker   40d   v1.27.6+d548052

Let’s take a closer look at our node - your node name may be different so substitue crc-d4g2s-master-0 with the name reported in your terminal output in the previous step:

oc describe node crc-d4g2s-master-0

Sample output:

Name:               crc-d4g2s-master-0
Roles:              control-plane,master,worker
Labels:             beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64
Annotations:        csi.volume.kubernetes.io/nodeid: {"kubevirt.io.hostpath-provisioner":"crc-d4g2s-master-0"}
                    machine.openshift.io/machine: openshift-machine-api/crc-d4g2s-master-0
                    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/controlPlaneTopology: SingleReplica
                    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/currentConfig: rendered-master-937128c862a772f4cab37531e27977f6
                    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/desiredConfig: rendered-master-937128c862a772f4cab37531e27977f6
                    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/desiredDrain: uncordon-rendered-master-937128c862a772f4cab37531e27977f6
                    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/lastAppliedDrain: uncordon-rendered-master-937128c862a772f4cab37531e27977f6
                    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/lastSyncedControllerConfigResourceVersion: 34100
                    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/state: Done
                    volumes.kubernetes.io/controller-managed-attach-detach: true
CreationTimestamp:  Sun, 03 Dec 2023 12:54:31 +0800
Taints:             <none>
Unschedulable:      false
  HolderIdentity:  crc-d4g2s-master-0
  AcquireTime:     <unset>
  RenewTime:       Fri, 12 Jan 2024 22:56:16 +0800
  Type             Status  LastHeartbeatTime                 LastTransitionTime                Reason                       Message
  ----             ------  -----------------                 ------------------                ------                       -------
  MemoryPressure   False   Fri, 12 Jan 2024 22:52:54 +0800   Fri, 12 Jan 2024 22:37:46 +0800   KubeletHasSufficientMemory   kubelet has sufficient memory available
  DiskPressure     False   Fri, 12 Jan 2024 22:52:54 +0800   Fri, 12 Jan 2024 22:37:46 +0800   KubeletHasNoDiskPressure     kubelet has no disk pressure
  PIDPressure      False   Fri, 12 Jan 2024 22:52:54 +0800   Fri, 12 Jan 2024 22:37:46 +0800   KubeletHasSufficientPID      kubelet has sufficient PID available
  Ready            True    Fri, 12 Jan 2024 22:52:54 +0800   Fri, 12 Jan 2024 22:38:58 +0800   KubeletReady                 kubelet is posting ready status
  Hostname:    crc-d4g2s-master-0
  cpu:                4
  ephemeral-storage:  31914988Ki
  hugepages-1Gi:      0
  hugepages-2Mi:      0
  memory:             9137272Ki
  pods:               250
  cpu:                3800m
  ephemeral-storage:  29045851293
  hugepages-1Gi:      0
  hugepages-2Mi:      0
  memory:             8676472Ki
  pods:               250
System Info:
  Machine ID:                                       57cc67c317aa4a1d92b0d8b9a789be8c
  System UUID:                                      b7504a6e-aafd-4203-964b-a3c196e3b82a
  Boot ID:                                          9adc8a51-44a3-4ab5-a963-8acf742b7db9
  Kernel Version:                                   6.5.5-200.fc38.x86_64
  OS Image:                                         Fedora CoreOS 38.20231027.3.2
  Operating System:                                 linux
  Architecture:                                     amd64
  Container Runtime Version:                        cri-o://1.27.0
  Kubelet Version:                                  v1.27.6+d548052
  Kube-Proxy Version:                               v1.27.6+d548052
Non-terminated Pods:                                (60 in total)
  Namespace                                         Name                                                       CPU Requests  CPU Limits  Memory Requests  Memory Limits  Age
  ---------                                         ----                                                       ------------  ----------  ---------------  -------------  ---
  hostpath-provisioner                              csi-hostpathplugin-l756x                                   0 (0%)        0 (0%)      0 (0%)           0 (0%)         39d
  openshift-apiserver-operator                      openshift-apiserver-operator-6fb8688846-8zzt9              10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-apiserver                               apiserver-678745575d-s8gg2                                 110m (2%)     0 (0%)      250Mi (2%)       0 (0%)         13m
  openshift-authentication-operator                 authentication-operator-6667569b8d-2qfhd                   20m (0%)      0 (0%)      200Mi (2%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-authentication                          oauth-openshift-579b5549b5-2vqfr                           10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         11m
  openshift-cluster-machine-approver                machine-approver-865888d45-qbqqb                           20m (0%)      0 (0%)      70Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-cluster-samples-operator                cluster-samples-operator-5f7d584d58-z7m4q                  20m (0%)      0 (0%)      100Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-cluster-version                         cluster-version-operator-7cc7d6cc78-cvf5x                  20m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-config-operator                         openshift-config-operator-77dd576b98-llq4n                 10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-console-operator                        console-operator-555f64dfdd-9k8td                          20m (0%)      0 (0%)      200Mi (2%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-console                                 console-6679fcfc67-ttv8j                                   10m (0%)      0 (0%)      100Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-console                                 downloads-557648459f-xwnrb                                 10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-controller-manager-operator             openshift-controller-manager-operator-699898cf9c-vfp2t     10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-controller-manager                      controller-manager-84b6b4d58f-9xs6q                        100m (2%)     0 (0%)      100Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         12m
  openshift-dns-operator                            dns-operator-6d8b574c64-95wgs                              20m (0%)      0 (0%)      69Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-dns                                     dns-default-l9sgb                                          60m (1%)      0 (0%)      110Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-dns                                     node-resolver-f6sdd                                        5m (0%)       0 (0%)      21Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-etcd-operator                           etcd-operator-7885b9b76f-pc45h                             10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-etcd                                    etcd-crc-d4g2s-master-0                                    360m (9%)     0 (0%)      910Mi (10%)      0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-image-registry                          cluster-image-registry-operator-79775695c6-ph9gw           10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-image-registry                          image-registry-6cf94f6cf6-d6t82                            100m (2%)     0 (0%)      256Mi (3%)       0 (0%)         12m
  openshift-image-registry                          node-ca-k5w4n                                              10m (0%)      0 (0%)      10Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-ingress-canary                          ingress-canary-mnzrz                                       10m (0%)      0 (0%)      20Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-ingress-operator                        ingress-operator-6f4d57d459-bpkb9                          20m (0%)      0 (0%)      96Mi (1%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-ingress                                 router-default-5c59975b6f-gcths                            100m (2%)     0 (0%)      256Mi (3%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-kube-apiserver-operator                 kube-apiserver-operator-9c4dc788b-687gt                    10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-kube-apiserver                          kube-apiserver-crc-d4g2s-master-0                          290m (7%)     0 (0%)      1224Mi (14%)     0 (0%)         10m
  openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator        kube-controller-manager-operator-6d696d7f5b-vlxh8          10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-kube-controller-manager                 kube-controller-manager-crc-d4g2s-master-0                 80m (2%)      0 (0%)      500Mi (5%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-kube-scheduler-operator                 openshift-kube-scheduler-operator-6967cf8888-s7l9p         10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-kube-scheduler                          openshift-kube-scheduler-crc-d4g2s-master-0                25m (0%)      0 (0%)      150Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator  kube-storage-version-migrator-operator-7f56f455c7-9qm2x    10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator           migrator-54754c959-rpbdh                                   10m (0%)      0 (0%)      200Mi (2%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-machine-api                             control-plane-machine-set-operator-7d8877fb45-bfkcd        10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-machine-api                             machine-api-controllers-548c55cccd-x45wq                   70m (1%)      0 (0%)      140Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-machine-api                             machine-api-operator-659b96dd6f-b2pzw                      20m (0%)      0 (0%)      70Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-machine-config-operator                 machine-config-controller-794b56d4dc-xk7jc                 40m (1%)      0 (0%)      100Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-machine-config-operator                 machine-config-daemon-qgct8                                40m (1%)      0 (0%)      100Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-machine-config-operator                 machine-config-operator-84dc94fd78-9x5wj                   40m (1%)      0 (0%)      100Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-machine-config-operator                 machine-config-server-cvrfx                                20m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-marketplace                             community-operators-ccvhg                                  10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-marketplace                             marketplace-operator-6874dc8464-lmlvx                      1m (0%)       0 (0%)      5Mi (0%)         0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-multus                                  multus-4xhrh                                               10m (0%)      0 (0%)      65Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-multus                                  multus-additional-cni-plugins-62lw4                        10m (0%)      0 (0%)      10Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-multus                                  multus-admission-controller-5f4676c68-29b2m                20m (0%)      0 (0%)      70Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         39d
  openshift-multus                                  network-metrics-daemon-kwd8t                               20m (0%)      0 (0%)      120Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-network-diagnostics                     network-check-source-7894f8cc69-88mhc                      10m (0%)      0 (0%)      40Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-network-diagnostics                     network-check-target-knh9x                                 10m (0%)      0 (0%)      15Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-network-node-identity                   network-node-identity-ffl7r                                20m (0%)      0 (0%)      100Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-network-operator                        network-operator-fd55479ff-6ld9p                           10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-oauth-apiserver                         apiserver-5d49456867-jpzrt                                 150m (3%)     0 (0%)      200Mi (2%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager              catalog-operator-fc994d6b6-tj8h5                           10m (0%)      0 (0%)      80Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager              olm-operator-75bbbb5559-zft8l                              10m (0%)      0 (0%)      160Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager              package-server-manager-7c55fcf5f7-4dqpc                    10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager              packageserver-999d54647-66s5p                              10m (0%)      0 (0%)      50Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-route-controller-manager                route-controller-manager-8559f9c7cb-trktg                  100m (2%)     0 (0%)      100Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         12m
  openshift-sdn                                     sdn-controller-b49gh                                       20m (0%)      0 (0%)      70Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-sdn                                     sdn-v64p2                                                  110m (2%)     0 (0%)      220Mi (2%)       0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-service-ca-operator                     service-ca-operator-56c579c485-cpwv7                       10m (0%)      0 (0%)      80Mi (0%)        0 (0%)         40d
  openshift-service-ca                              service-ca-6c5d767655-7xw57                                10m (0%)      0 (0%)      120Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         40d
Allocated resources:
  (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
  Resource           Requests      Limits
  --------           --------      ------
  cpu                2321m (61%)   0 (0%)
  memory             7707Mi (90%)  0 (0%)
  ephemeral-storage  0 (0%)        0 (0%)
  hugepages-1Gi      0 (0%)        0 (0%)
  hugepages-2Mi      0 (0%)        0 (0%)
  Type    Reason                   Age                From             Message
  ----    ------                   ----               ----             -------
  Normal  NodeHasSufficientMemory  40d (x8 over 40d)  kubelet          Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 status is now: NodeHasSufficientMemory
  Normal  NodeHasNoDiskPressure    40d (x8 over 40d)  kubelet          Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 status is now: NodeHasNoDiskPressure
  Normal  RegisteredNode           40d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  RegisteredNode           40d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  RegisteredNode           40d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  RegisteredNode           40d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  RegisteredNode           40d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  RegisteredNode           40d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  RegisteredNode           40d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  RegisteredNode           40d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  RegisteredNode           40d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  RegisteredNode           40d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  RegisteredNode           39d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  NodeNotReady             39d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 status is now: NodeNotReady
  Normal  Starting                 39d                kubelet          Starting kubelet.
  Normal  NodeAllocatableEnforced  39d                kubelet          Updated Node Allocatable limit across pods
  Normal  NodeHasSufficientPID     39d (x7 over 39d)  kubelet          Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 status is now: NodeHasSufficientPID
  Normal  NodeHasNoDiskPressure    39d (x8 over 39d)  kubelet          Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 status is now: NodeHasNoDiskPressure
  Normal  NodeHasSufficientMemory  39d (x8 over 39d)  kubelet          Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 status is now: NodeHasSufficientMemory
  Normal  RegisteredNode           39d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  RegisteredNode           39d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  NodeNotReady             39d                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 status is now: NodeNotReady
  Normal  RegisteredNode           18m                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller
  Normal  RegisteredNode           10m                node-controller  Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 event: Registered Node crc-d4g2s-master-0 in Controller

In particular, notice the OS image reported above under “System Info” is Fedora CoreOS 38.20231027.3.2. Fedora CoreOS, also known as FCOS, is a container-optimized OS under the Fedora project designed to run containerized workloads at scale - in particular, it is the only supported operating system for OKD control plane nodes, while OKD worker nodes can run Fedora Server as well. Since OKD only supports Fedora as the underlying operating system, it is opinionated in this sense compared to upstream Kubernetes which works on most Linux distributions and even Windows (albeit with a limited subset of features) for Kubernetes worker nodes. Not surprisingly, the commercial OCP distribution downstream from OKD requires Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) for its control plane nodes and optionally RHEL for its worker nodes, for which both OS editions are their respective downstreams from Fedora.

Now let’s see how many pods are running on our cluster:

oc get pods --all-namespaces --no-headers | wc -l

Sample output:


That’s a lot of pods on a freshly installed cluster! Compare this to a fresh Minikube cluster which has only 7 pods. But when you recall that OpenShift is a full-fledged IDP as opposed to a minimal infrastructure layer, everything suddenly makes sense ;-)

View the available namespaces:

oc get namespaces

Sample output:

NAME                                               STATUS   AGE
default                                            Active   40d
hostpath-provisioner                               Active   39d
kube-node-lease                                    Active   40d
kube-public                                        Active   40d
kube-system                                        Active   40d
openshift                                          Active   40d
openshift-apiserver                                Active   40d
openshift-apiserver-operator                       Active   40d
openshift-authentication                           Active   40d
openshift-authentication-operator                  Active   40d
openshift-cloud-controller-manager                 Active   40d
openshift-cloud-controller-manager-operator        Active   40d
openshift-cloud-credential-operator                Active   40d
openshift-cloud-network-config-controller          Active   40d
openshift-cluster-machine-approver                 Active   40d
openshift-cluster-samples-operator                 Active   40d
openshift-cluster-storage-operator                 Active   40d
openshift-cluster-version                          Active   40d
openshift-config                                   Active   40d
openshift-config-managed                           Active   40d
openshift-config-operator                          Active   40d
openshift-console                                  Active   40d
openshift-console-operator                         Active   40d
openshift-console-user-settings                    Active   40d
openshift-controller-manager                       Active   40d
openshift-controller-manager-operator              Active   40d
openshift-dns                                      Active   40d
openshift-dns-operator                             Active   40d
openshift-etcd                                     Active   40d
openshift-etcd-operator                            Active   40d
openshift-host-network                             Active   40d
openshift-image-registry                           Active   40d
openshift-infra                                    Active   40d
openshift-ingress                                  Active   40d
openshift-ingress-canary                           Active   40d
openshift-ingress-operator                         Active   40d
openshift-kni-infra                                Active   40d
openshift-kube-apiserver                           Active   40d
openshift-kube-apiserver-operator                  Active   40d
openshift-kube-controller-manager                  Active   40d
openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator         Active   40d
openshift-kube-scheduler                           Active   40d
openshift-kube-scheduler-operator                  Active   40d
openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator            Active   40d
openshift-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator   Active   40d
openshift-machine-api                              Active   40d
openshift-machine-config-operator                  Active   40d
openshift-marketplace                              Active   40d
openshift-monitoring                               Active   40d
openshift-multus                                   Active   40d
openshift-network-diagnostics                      Active   40d
openshift-network-node-identity                    Active   40d
openshift-network-operator                         Active   40d
openshift-node                                     Active   40d
openshift-nutanix-infra                            Active   40d
openshift-oauth-apiserver                          Active   40d
openshift-openstack-infra                          Active   40d
openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager               Active   40d
openshift-operators                                Active   40d
openshift-ovirt-infra                              Active   40d
openshift-route-controller-manager                 Active   40d
openshift-sdn                                      Active   40d
openshift-service-ca                               Active   40d
openshift-service-ca-operator                      Active   40d
openshift-user-workload-monitoring                 Active   40d
openshift-vsphere-infra                            Active   40d

Again, that’s a lot. Apart from the Kubernetes system namespaces (default, kube-system, kube-node-lease, kube-public) and hostpath-provisioner which contains a CSI driver for dynamic provisioning of storage (think PVCs), the other 60 or so namespaces starting with openshift* are OpenShift-reserved namespaces for running critical OpenShift cluster components and services.

View the services in the default namespace:

oc get services

Sample output:

NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP                            PORT(S)   AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP   <none>                                 443/TCP   40d
openshift    ExternalName   <none>       kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local   <none>    40d

Not much different from a fresh Kubernetes install, except the addition of the openshift service which is an ExternalName pointing to the kubernetes service, i.e. a CNAME alias from the DNS perspective.

Let’s try out an NGINX workload. Create an NGINX deployment with 2 replicas and expose port 80 for HTTP traffic:

oc create deploy nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2 --port=80

Expose this deployment as a service:

oc expose deploy nginx

View the deployment and corresponding service:

oc get svc,deploy -l app=nginx

Sample output:

NAME            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/nginx   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    54s

NAME                    READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/nginx   2/2     2            2           60s

Now run a pod with cURL pre-installed and use it to send a cURL request to our NGINX deployment:

oc run curlpod --image=curlimages/curl -- sleep infinity
oc wait --for=condition=Ready pods --all --timeout=300s
oc exec curlpod -- curl -s nginx

Sample output of the last command:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
html { color-scheme: light dark; }
body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto;
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; }
<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
<p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and
working. Further configuration is required.</p>

<p>For online documentation and support please refer to
<a href="http://nginx.org/">nginx.org</a>.<br/>
Commercial support is available at
<a href="http://nginx.com/">nginx.com</a>.</p>

<p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>

Let’s go further and forward NGINX locally at port 8080 with port-forward:

oc port-forward svc/nginx 8080:80

In a new terminal window, make oc available for your session, then follow the NGINX logs to observe new requests coming in in the next step:

eval $(crc oc-env)
oc logs -f -l app=nginx

Now open a web browser and visit localhost:8080. Refresh the page 1 or 2 times.

Here’s what we get in our logs:

::1 - - [11/Jan/2024:12:54:05 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 615 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0" "-"
2024/01/11 12:54:05 [error] 30#30: *7 open() "/usr/share/nginx/html/favicon.ico" failed (2: No such file or directory), client: ::1, server: localhost, request: "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:8080", referrer: "http://localhost:8080/"
::1 - - [11/Jan/2024:12:54:05 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 153 "http://localhost:8080/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0" "-"
::1 - - [11/Jan/2024:12:54:13 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0" "-"
::1 - - [11/Jan/2024:12:54:14 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0" "-"
::1 - - [11/Jan/2024:12:55:04 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0" "-"

A 200 OK response on the initial visit by our web browser (Firefox in my case) plus a failed attempt to fetch the favicon (since we don’t have one), then 304 Not Modified responses for the subsequent reloads which prevents NGINX from sending the contents of the same webpage over and over, improving response times and reducing the amount of network traffic.

Hopefully all of this is sufficient to convince you that OpenShift is in fact Kubernetes and oc is kubectl.

Let’s delete our NGINX deployment and associated resources - close the 2nd terminal window, return to the 1st one then press Ctrl+C to stop the port forwarding and run the following commands:

oc delete svc nginx
oc delete deploy nginx
oc delete po curlpod

Before we move on to the next section, let’s see how oc is more than just kubectl by inspecting a command that only exists with oc - feel free to run the command as well to view associated help information:

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user --help

Sample output:

Add a security context constraint to users or a service account.

  # Add the 'restricted' security context constraint to user1 and user2
  oc adm policy add-scc-to-user restricted user1 user2

  # Add the 'privileged' security context constraint to serviceaccount1 in the
current namespace
  oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z serviceaccount1

    If true, ignore any errors in templates when a field or map key is
    missing in the template. Only applies to golang and jsonpath output

    Must be "none", "server", or "client". If client strategy, only print
    the object that would be sent, without sending it. If server strategy,
    submit server-side request without persisting the resource.

    -o, --output='':
    Output format. One of: (json, yaml, name, go-template,
    go-template-file, template, templatefile, jsonpath, jsonpath-as-json,

    -z, --serviceaccount=[]:
    service account in the current namespace to use as a user

    If true, keep the managedFields when printing objects in JSON or YAML

    Template string or path to template file to use when -o=go-template,
    -o=go-template-file. The template format is golang templates

  oc adm policy add-scc-to-user SCC (USER | -z SERVICEACCOUNT) [USER ...]
[flags] [options]

Use "oc options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all

This command add-scc-to-user is responsible for adding a security context constraint (SCC) to a given user or service account. SCCs, as its name suggests, is a form of mandatory access control (MAC) that places constraints on the security context that a Pod running as a particular user or service account can have, essentially SELinux but for OpenShift.

Exploring our cluster with the OpenShift web console

So far, we’ve only interacted with OpenShift via the command line, but what makes OpenShift really shine is its out-of-the-box integrated web console which helps in quickly visualizing the state of the entire cluster plus individual microservices, greatly easing the burden on developer and operations staff - no more 20 questions with kubectl ;-)

Point your browser to console-openshift-console.apps-crc.testing and ignore the certificate warnings reported by your browser, which should bring you to the OpenShift login portal.

OpenShift web OAuth portal

Now log in as a developer with developer as both the username and password, which should bring you to the Developer dashboard and greet you with a guided tour.

OpenShift web developer dashboard

Check out the guided tour and feel free to explore the Developer perspective of the OpenShift web console before we proceed with the next section.

While still logged in as a developer, click the “Developer” dropdown to the top left and switch to the “Administrator” perspective.

OpenShift web admin dashboard from a developer's perspective

Notice how the administrator dashboard only prompts you to create a new project and doesn’t display any useful information about the cluster itself. For example, if you select “Workloads > Pods”, it’ll inform you that your access is restricted and you are not able to list all Pods running on the cluster. This is role-based access control (RBAC) in action for which OpenShift provides sane defaults for unprivileged users and greatly eases the management of RBAC compared to Kubernetes where users, groups, (cluster) roles and (cluster) role bindings must be created and defined manually.

OpenShift web admin pods - restricted view for developers

Now log out of the developer account and switch to the kubeadmin account which has cluster-wide administrator access, using the password you noted earlier. In case you forgot to take note of the password, you may retrieve it with crc as follows:

crc console --credentials

Sample output (password elided for security reasons):

To login as a regular user, run 'oc login -u developer -p developer https://api.crc.testing:6443'.
To login as an admin, run 'oc login -u kubeadmin -p XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX https://api.crc.testing:6443'

Once logged in as kubeadmin, notice how you are able to immediately view a summary of the entire cluster via the Administrator dashboard.

OpenShift web admin dashboard

Again, feel free to poke around and get a feel of the Administrator perspective in OpenShift before we proceed to the next section.

Setting up Argo CD with the Operator

Another aspect of OpenShift that really shines is the extensive use of software operators to install and manage the lifecycle of cluster-level applications and add-on features, all through the Operator Hub available from the web console which greatly simplifies the operator installation process by making it only a few clicks away. Software operators encode human operational knowledge of managing a particular application into a software controller that performs these operational tasks in a fully automated manner, thus freeing the cluster administrator from the mundane task of managing that particular application and allowing them to focus on tasks that deliver actual business value.

While the operator pattern is not unique to OpenShift (see Canonical’s Juju charms for another example), the concept of Kubernetes operators originated from OpenShift and was donated by Red Hat to the CNCF as the Operator Framework which is now in the CNCF incubator and available to be installed on any standard Kubernetes cluster. The main value proposition that OpenShift offers in this regard is the native support for operators baked into OpenShift during cluster installation time and the ease of installing them via the web console as opposed to crafting the required custom resource definitions (CRDs) by hand and applying them via the command line.

In the following section, we will install the Argo CD operator on OpenShift via the web console and create an Argo CD cluster by defining a minimal ArgoCD custom resource, which will automate the installation and complete lifecycle management of the entire Argo CD instance in a fully transparent fashion. Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes which eases the implementation of modern application deployment patterns such as blue-green and canary deployments via Git-centric workflows, though we won’t focus on Argo CD itself for the purposes of this lab.

Log in to the web console as the cluster administrator kubeadmin, then select “Operators > OperatorHub”.

Operators > OperatorHub

Next, search for “Argo CD” and select the application.

Search for and select Argo CD

OpenShift will warn that this is a community Operator which is not officially supported by Red Hat. Acknowledge the warning by clicking “Continue”.

Community operator warning

View the description for the Argo CD operator and click “Install”.

Argo CD operator description

Before confirming the installation, OpenShift allows you to customize a few options such as selecting the version to install and the channel to install from. Leave the options at their defaults and click “Install” to proceed with the installation.

Argo CD operator customization

Now wait a few minutes while the operator is being installed until the page below indicates “Installed operator: ready for use” and you should see a green checkmark.

Argo CD installation complete

Congratulations - you have successfully installed your first operator on OpenShift!

Click the “View operator” button at the middle of the page to view the details of your newly installed Argo CD operator.

Argo CD operator details

Notice the provided API ArgoCD by the Argo CD operator to the top left. This is a high-level CRD defined by the operator representing an entire Argo CD instance, so all we need to do is create a custom resource of type ArgoCD and apply it to the cluster, then the operator will automatically deploy an Argo CD instance and manage the entire lifecycle of that instance for us - no manual operation required. This also implies that we can create multiple Argo CD instances in different namespaces and have the operator manage all of them for us transparently, by simply defining multiple ArgoCD custom resources and applying them to our OpenShift cluster.

Open a new terminal window, make oc available in our PATH, then create the argocd namespace for our Argo CD instance and create a corresponding minimal ArgoCD custom resource by leaving the .spec field empty.

eval $(crc oc-env)
oc create ns argocd
oc apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1beta1
kind: ArgoCD
  name: argocd
  namespace: argocd
spec: {}

Now wait up to 5 minutes for the Argo CD instance to become available:

oc -n argocd wait \
    --for=jsonpath='{.status.phase}'=Available \
    argocd \
    --all \

Sample output:

argocd.argoproj.io/argocd condition met

Let’s see the pods created for our Argo CD instance:

oc -n argocd get po

Sample output:

NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
argocd-application-controller-0       1/1     Running   0          14m
argocd-redis-9c4df56bc-mqh8d          1/1     Running   0          14m
argocd-repo-server-689fdf7d9d-ngpn8   1/1     Running   0          14m
argocd-server-76c4849577-j7l5n        1/1     Running   0          14m

The Argo CD web console is available as the argocd-server Service which is a ClusterIP by default and therefore only accessible from within the cluster. Forward this service locally to port 8443, then open localhost:8443 in a new browser window and ignore any certificate warnings reported by your browser which presents us with a login portal.

oc -n argocd port-forward svc/argocd-server 8443:443

Argo CD web login

The login username is admin and the initial login password is stored in the secret argocd-cluster within the key admin.password.

Open a new terminal window (again) and make oc available in our PATH.

eval $(crc oc-env)

Now fetch the initial login password, first by using the kubectl way of doing things.

oc -n argocd get secret \
    argocd-cluster \
    -o jsonpath='{.data.admin\.password}' | \
    base64 -d -

Notice how this command is difficult to read and understand since it doesn’t tell us what we want to achieve (extract the initial login password); instead, it only tells us how to achieve it (get the .data.admin\.password field in the argocd-cluster secret and decode it as Base64).

Fortunately, oc provides a more readable alternative to extracting the initial login password from our secret:

oc -n argocd extract secret/argocd-cluster --to=-

Finally, log in to the Argo CD web console with the username admin and the password as output by the command above which should bring us to the Argo CD dashboard.

Argo CD dashboard

Cleaning up

Tearing down our OKD cluster with CRC is simple - simply run:

crc delete

Answer y when prompted.

Concluding remarks and going further

OpenShift is a full-fledged IDP developed by Red Hat on top of Kubernetes which greatly enhances the developer experience, thereby improving developer productivity, reducing time to market and enabling enterprises to focus on delivering business value instead of performing the undifferentiated heavy lifting of building and maintaining their own IDP. Throughout the lab, we saw 2 major value-added features of OpenShift which makes all of this possible, namely the integrated OpenShift web console and the ability to install software controllers known as operators with a few clicks which manage the entire lifecycle of applications on behalf of the cluster administrator.

This article is by no means a comprehensive introduction to OpenShift. If you would like to dive into OpenShift, consider the following resources:

Additionally, if you would like to dive into Argo CD, consider the following resources:

I hope you enjoyed this article and stay tuned for new content ;-)

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